Victory for Transparency: A Triumph Over Greater Manchester Police's FOIA Challenge

In the pursuit of transparency and accountability, the road is often riddled with challenges. Yet, when determination and the principles enshrined in the Freedom of Information Act 2000 (FOIA 2000) guide the way, even the most elusive public authorities must yield. This blog recounts my successful endeavour to obtain critical information from Greater Manchester Police (GMP), spotlighting the significance of transparency in law enforcement agencies and celebrating a hard-fought victory.

The Initial Request

On 22nd August 2023, I submitted a Freedom of Information request to GMP, seeking the current organisation chart inclusive of all departments and functions. Specifically, I requested:

  1. Department/Function names

  2. Departmental lead names

  3. Contact email addresses for the departments or shared/group email accounts

  4. Postal addresses for each department/function

Recognising the potential for personal data concerns, I explicitly stated that personal email addresses could be redacted. My primary interest lay in obtaining publicly owned departmental information, which I believed was easily accessible via GMP's internal resources.

The Delayed Response

The statutory period of 20 working days passed without a response, prompting me to request an internal review on 28th September 2023. Despite this follow-up, it wasn't until 12th October 2023 that GMP provided an unsatisfactory reply, citing exemptions under Section 31(1)(a)(b) for law enforcement and Section 40(2) for personal information.

The Internal Review

Undeterred, I promptly requested a further internal review. My argument was twofold:

  1. Refusal under Section 31(1)(a)(b): The organisational chart did not pertain to specific operational tactics. The public's interest in transparency, especially regarding the allocation of public resources, outweighed any potential risks cited by GMP. Furthermore, GMP already disclosed contact details of its officers and senior members publicly, undermining their argument.

  2. Refusal under Section 40(2): I reiterated that my request did not seek personal email addresses but rather departmental or shared email accounts, which are public assets. Therefore, the personal information exemption should not apply.

Escalation to the Information Commissioner

On 31st December 2023, faced with GMP's continued non-compliance, I escalated the matter to the Information Commissioner's Office (ICO). This step was crucial in advocating for transparency and holding GMP accountable.

The ICO's involvement spurred action. On 10th April 2024, GMP acknowledged their mishandling of my request and committed to providing a comprehensive response by 17th April 2024. This marked a turning point, demonstrating the ICO's pivotal role in enforcing FOIA compliance.

The Final Victory

On 24th April 2024, after months of persistence and rigorous advocacy, GMP finally released the requested information. The full organisational chart, inclusive of departmental leads, contact email addresses (public and shared), and postal addresses, was disclosed. This victory not only underscored the importance of transparency within law enforcement but also highlighted the effectiveness of the FOIA in promoting accountability.

Reflections on the Journey

This experience illuminated several key aspects of successfully navigating FOIA requests:

  1. Persistence Pays Off: The journey from the initial request to final disclosure required unwavering determination and continuous follow-up.

  2. Legal Knowledge is Power: Understanding FOIA 2000 and relevant exemptions was crucial in effectively challenging GMP's refusal.

  3. The ICO's Role is Crucial: The intervention of the ICO was instrumental in achieving a satisfactory resolution, reinforcing the importance of this regulatory body in safeguarding public access to information.

  4. Public Interest is Paramount: Emphasising the public interest and the broader implications of the requested information can significantly bolster the case for disclosure.

This successful challenge against Greater Manchester Police stands as a testament to the power of determination, legal knowledge, and regulatory support in upholding transparency and accountability. It highlights the essential role of public authorities in facilitating access to information and the critical oversight provided by the ICO. This victory is not just mine but a win for everyone who believes in the principles of transparency and accountability in public services.


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